Find us on social media!

Waltham Local First is a network of independent, locally-owned businesses

As we begin to nose our fledgling organization into the digital traffic, we have established a presence in social media--both on Twitter and Facebook. You can find us (and Like us!) on Facebook at, and follow us on Twitter: @WalthamLocal1st We look forward to our conversations  on the interwebs about local business in Waltham and the contributions of local business to healthy local economies and communities!

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Hello Waltham and surrounding communities!

Waltham Local First is a network of independent, locally-owned businesses

Thank you for stopping by! We just got ourselves online so there's not much to see at the moment. BUT, there is MUCH more information to come about Waltham Local First, our members, and the lively independent business community in our great city of Waltham, Massachusetts!

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